StrathKirn principals have signifcant experience from primary consulting work for over 28 years, with a broad range of clients.

At present StrathKirn will consider certain advisory roles and/or new business opportunities. 

StrathKirn LLC, Founder, President,  and Principal Consultant, J. McLaren Ph.D., has first-hand U.S. and international experience of both R&D management and commercial product introduction, including business development processes, especially in agriculture and agbiotechnology.

Member (Founding Group) of the GlobalScot World Network

Former President of the St. Andrew Society of Greater St Louis

Former Chair of the St. Louis Scottish Games (Current Board member)

Selected Background Information for Dr. J. McLaren

  • First-class Honours B.Sc. in Agriculture (Univ of Aberdeen, Scotland); Ph.D. in Plant Physiology (Univ of Nottingham, England).
  • Lecturer in Agronomy and Crop Physiology at Univ Nottingham.  Field crop research across multiple crops.
  • Over 15 years in industry covering research management, product development, and leading a new product introduction team on a global scale. 
  • Published over 40 papers in peer-reviewed journals, edited a major book, written several book chapters, and published numerous invited articles in the trade press. Many of these have involved the applications of new technologies to various crop production systems.
  • Over 28 years operating StrathKirn contracting and consulting services in both the public and private domains.
  • Inventor on multiple patents and applications.
  • Written various foundation and vision documents for public and private sector organizations. 
  • Made over 400 invited presentations on new technology, biotechnology, renewable resources, biofuels, market impact, and business management processes.
  • Member of research teams involved in design, generation, and evaluation of genetically-engineered crops for several private organizations.
  • Received multiple recognition awards from various companies and organizations.
  • Member on several advisory boards/councils: prior examples include the Agriculture Advisory Council of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; the Research and Business Development Committee of the Iowa Corn Promotion Board; the Scientific Advisory Board of Akermin Inc.; ERAC Institute for Renewable Fuels at the D. Danforth Plant Science Center; United Sorghum Checkoff Program Research (USDA approved); University of Missouri-St. Louis Entrepreneurial Business Advisory Board; Mid-West biofuel investment team: Review Panel for the USDA National Research Initiative Competitive Grants related to Biobased Products and Bioenergy Production: DOE-USDA joint project Review Panel for Competitive Grants on Biomass Genomics for Biofuels.